
SuperSlider-Excerpts automatically adds thumbnails wherever you show excerpts (archive page, feed… etc). Mouseover image will then Morph its properties, (controlled with css) You can pre-define the automatic creation of excerpt sized excerpt-nails.



This widget dynamically creates a list of posts from the active category. Displaying the first image and title. It will display the first image in your post as a thumbnail,it looks first for an attached image, then an embedded image then if it finds the image, it grabs the thumbnail version. Oh, and by the way, it’s an animated vertical scroller, way cool.
If the post has no image the widget uses a default image.


SuperSlider-Show is your Animated slideshow plugin with automatic thumbnail list inclusion. Now displays nextgen galleries as a slideshows.
This slideshow uses [Mootools] 1.2 javascript to replace your gallery with a Slideshow.
Highly configurable, theme based design, css based animations, automatic minithumbnail creation.
Shortcode system on post and page screens to make each slideshow unique.
Built upon [Slideshow2].
Compatible with WordPress system default gallery shows.
New Features v2.2: improved theme controls, pull images from category or featured custom field.


SuperSlider base, is a global admin plugin for all SuperSlider plugins and comes stocked full of eye candy in the form of modules. Superslider base includes the following modules:

  • * Tooltips: add fancy tooltips to any object or group of objects.
  • * Reflection: adds floor reflection to your images,
  • * Accordion: add nested accordions to your post content,
  • * Scroll: add smooth scroll navigation to your page,
  • * Zoomer: Adds a smooth image enlarging zoomer,
  • * Nudger: slide links or small objects on mouseover,
  • * Fader: fade transition one object of a group on mouseover (NEW! with version 0.6.2),
  • * Linker: iPhone – Safari like darkened background effect when you click a link(NEW! with version 0.6.4)
  • * Clicker: Dynamically takes the first link from the contents of a list item and makes the whole list item a clickable link(NEW! with version 0.6.4)


This is your Animated menu plugin that uses Mootools 1.2 javascript to form a multi-level collapsable menu widget in your sidebar for your categories and posts. Automatic opener upon page change. Highly configurable, theme based design, css based animations.