Description: Asfort was a recent acquisition of Eninter S.A. elevators. I was hired to design, produce, and program their most recent web site. This site has been built with flash. The entire site is less than 2 megas.
Description: I set up, designed, and produced the digital content for this site. Mr. Jackson has been using it to successfully move lovehorns around the world.
Description: Torraportella, is a high end design studio in Manresa Spain. They specialize in print catalogs for Spanish manufacturing. I was the art director and producer for their first portfolio site. They provided the graphic design, while I developed the motion graphics, interactivity and programming.
Description: Milmueble is a furniture manufacturer based in Spain.
This project was published as a cd-rom and intended for viewing at furniture store kiosks. Torraportella provided the graphic design, while I designed the motion graphics, interactivity and programming.
Local Link: clients/2002/ideanova/home/presentation/index.htm
Description: Ideanova is a furniture manufacturer. This project was developed to publish on cd-rom and the web. Torraportella provided the graphic design, while I developed the motion graphics, interactivity and programming.
Description: Mesegue is a furniture manufacturer based in Spain. Torraportella provided the graphic design, while I designed the motion graphics, interactivity and programming.